Ted wouldn’t JUST read a book…

If you are ever browsing through a used bookstore and upon opening your selection, are stunned by copious margin notes, overflowing and obscuring the actual text of the book, there is a good chance it might have belonged to Ted.  (No, I wasn’t able to save ALL of them, sob).  Ted read thoroughly, underlined everything he thought important, elaborated upon some of the author’s concepts, even argued with the author, and in some instances improved upon or even made corrections to the text!

The examples shown here are from Rimsky-Korsakov’s Practical Manual of Harmony.

Ted loved to accompany his meals with a book.  In fact this was one of his favorite activities. Ted told me he began doing this at a very young age, and it became more than a habit. Reading and eating became inseparable. Meals never tasted as good without a book, nor was a book so engrossing without say, a bag of chips or peanut butter cups to embellish the experience.

This photograph captures Ted in the act; he was rarely so content doing much else.

  1. Al Mageddon
    May 20, 2010 at 4:51 pm

    Love Ted Greene. His books were always way over my head though.

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